Friday, May 23, 2008

Why I chose my Avatar

I chose my avatar because i liked the way it looks. I chose her hair and eyes and skin tone to match because it looked nice to me. I like the color blue so i chose my avatar to wear blue pants,blue sweater and blue shoes so that my avatar could match my background and also that my avatar could be wearing my favorite my color. I like my avatar because she looks nice in blue and also that my avatar looks comfortable in their clothes.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Technology! Yeah! Well back then i use to remember that there were no Ipods but now there are Ipods. I listen to music alot these days then i use to and i spent hours on the internet now then i use to. But Technology helps me because whenever i need to research something or look up something i can look it up on the internet. Same with typing a essay or report. Instead of writing an essay i can simply type it and while i would be typing it i can spellcheck it instead of miss spelling words and rewriting it again. Cellphones help me to because whenever i need someone to pick me up from a place that i'm at i can call my parents and either one of them can come and pick me up. If i get sick at school i can call them to pick me up.